Achieve NEET Coaching – XII success on your first try with our proven guide! Discover effective study methods, time management, and expert strategies for a confident and victorious entrance into the medical profession.
- It should be decided by you, Not decided by peer group influence
- Goal should be realistic and achievable in a stipulated period of time
- Your goal should be part and parcel of your blood, bone and bone – marrow
- Best is self motivated, or take the inspiration from mentors and Achievers
- Be always with positive realistic and Genuine people
- Have Edutainment associated with education
- Avoid far distance function of friends, relative, family etc till you achieve your goal ( Be selfish)
- To overcome distractions do some Yogic practice (pranayama, surya namaskaram, etc).
- Mind / Body balance is very much is the need of the hour.
- Spend at least one hour of the time for yourself which can refresh you and keep you relaxed e.g., Listening to music Dancing, Gardening, Drawing / Painting etc. (Any Art work).
- Have more Fruit, along with your cooked food.
- Absolute involvement of your Action without expectations will always keep you energetic
- Study to learn (Genuinely and authentically)
- Marks or score should be the consequence of your Honest and innocent Attempt of learning
- There is no concrete plan to study.
- Plan may change or Fail, but motto shouldn’t fail
- Set weekly target complete them with utmost commitment
- Solve chapterwise MCQ’S
- Solve chapterwise previous year MCQ’S.
- Solve weekly Test
Part Test – XI, XII
Mock Test
Embark on your NEET with Shankar Medico Academy – XII journey with assurance! Our comprehensive guide equips you with essential study tactics, time-efficient methods, and expert insights to crack the exam in your very first attempt, securing your place in the field of medicine.